- 00420724077526
Shiyang Zhang is an attorney-at-law and China-Czech relations counselor at PRK Partners, where he advises clients in the Czech Republic and abroad on Czech commercial and civil law. She advises clients in the Czech Republic and abroad on Czech commercial and civil law. Shiyang Zhang graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of West Bohemia in 2012 with a Master of Laws degree. He is now a registered lawyer with the Czech Bar Association. Shiyang Zhang graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of West Bohemia with an LL. Shiyang Zhang's Chinese background and many years of study and work experience in the Czech Republic have given him a deep understanding of both Chinese and Czech culture. He He has always been concerned about the development of China-Czech relations and joined the Czech-Chinese Friendship and Cooperation Association from 2014 to 2017, and has participated in a number of Chinese and Czech national and ministerial conferences. He has participated in a number of visits of Chinese and Czech leaders at national and ministerial levels, as well as a number of investment and trade forums, summits, social and cultural events organized by China and the Czech Republic. In addition to this, he is also a member of the Czech-Chinese Friendship and Cooperation Association. In addition to this, he assists the Czech-Chinese Friendship and Cooperation Association in the areas of healthcare and business cooperation. In addition to this, he also assists in the Czech-Chinese Friendship and Cooperation Association in the areas of healthcare and trade cooperation, and has participated in the drafting of a number of memorandums, implementation plans and other documents on cooperation between central ministries and local governments. He has been involved in the drafting and signing of a number of memorandums of understanding and implementation plans between central ministries and local governments. He joined PRK Partners in 2017. Law Firm. Born in China and studied in the Czech Republic for many years, Shiyang Zhang is a native speaker of Chinese, has near-native proficiency in Czech, and is fluent in English. and is fluent in English.
Civil Law, Contract Law, Corporate Law, Equipment Manufacturing Industry
Work Experience
Since 2017: PRK Partners Law Firm 2014-2017: Czech-Chinese Friendship and Cooperation Association 2012-2014: Urbášek & Partners Law Firm -
2007-2012: University of West Bohemia, Law Faculty, Master's degree 2003-2007: Graduated from Štěpánská High School in Prague
Chinese, English, Czech
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- 00420724077526