- Great Britain
- +447702605278
As an English qualified solicitor born and grown up in China, Chengrong Li (aka Paul Li) specialises in banking and finance work. Paul has worked in both China and the UK for some reputable international law firms (including a Magic Circle law firm) and a world leading transportation bank. Paul is currently a London based partner of Zhong Lun Law Firm (Zhong Lun), the first top tier Chinese law firm to have set up its European branch, heading the Banking and Finance Department of Zhong Lun London. He has advised nearly all the Chinese financial institutions in the UK and numerous other leading international financial institutions and companies on their various types of cross-border transactions. Other than banking and finance work, Paul has extensive experience in handling or advising on matters or disputes arising from or in connection with China outbound and inbound investments, securitisation, financial products, distressed assets and international trade. Paul’s clients range from banks, leasing companies, corporations, organisations to governmental authorities in both China and the UK. Paul is a regular speaker at international conferences and seminars. Honours and Awards ❖Paul was honoured by Chambers Global 2022 and named "Foreign expert for China - UK". ❖Paul was honoured "The A-List Lawyers" by China Business Law Journal 2021 and named "China’s Elite 100 Lawyers (Foreign Firms)”.
Corporate, Contract law, Banking&Insurance; PE&Funds, Energy, infrastructure
Work Experience
Zhong Lun Law Firm (London), Partner Wikborg Rein LLP (London), Senior Lawyer DVB Bank SE, London Branch, Vice President/Legal Counsel Berwin Leighton Paisner LLP (London), Solicitor/China Business Manager Linklaters LLP (London), Solicitor Stephenson Harwood LLP (London), Trainee Solicitor Sinclair Roche & Temperley (now Stephenson Harwood), Shanghai Representative Office, Legal Consultant -
The College of Law - LPC University of Leeds – LLM East China University of Political Science and Law - LLB
Chinese/Mandarin, English
Publish an article
Industry Insights 2022.2.14: FAQs on the Main Routes to Cross-border Green Finance in the UK - Green Funds and Others 2021.12.16: FAQs on the Main Routes to Cross-border Green Finance in the UK - Green Bonds 2021.8.11: FAQs on Cross-border Green Finance Transactions by Chinese Enterprises in the UK 2021.8.4: Countdown to LIBOR Curtain Call Series - Transition Options for USD LIBOR under ARRC Guidance 2021.6.18: LIBOR Countdown to Curtain Call - How to Arrange Alternative Interest Rate Swaps in Facility Agreements? 2021.6.18: Hainan Free Trade Port: A New Opportunity to Join the Chinese Market! 2021.3.26: Amendments, Exemptions and "Consents" involved in Facility Agreements under English law 2021.3.26: Latest Announcement from the UK Financial Conduct Authority: the Official Cessation and Loss of Representativeness of the LIBOR Benchmarks 2021.3.26: Borrowers and Lenders' Trade-offs and Options in Dealing with Facility Agreements in the context of the LIBOR Transition 2021.3.2: The Impact of China's Blocking Measures on Future Cross-border Financing 2021.1.18: The Impact of China's Export Control Law on Future Business 2020.3.25: The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Financial Businesses such as "Neibaowaidai" and the Relevant Advice 2019.11.1: Potential Legal Minefields in International Sale of Goods 2018.8.13: Saving against a Rainy Day | Dispute Resolution and Choice of Governing Law in the Belt and Road Project 2018.4.19: China Announces Major Plans to Open Up its Financial Services Sector 2013: Things to check in a Ship Finance Transaction under English Law, Shipping Finance Review 2013, Shipping Policy & Law Institute, Shanghai International Shipping Institute 2012: Shipbuilding Contract and Refund Guarantee, Shipping Finance Articles Collection 2012, Shanghai International Shipping Institution 2012: Transfer of Rights and Obligations under English law, Shipping Finance Articles Collection 2012, Shanghai International Shipping Institution
Social activities and others
Member of the UK Society of Chinese Lawyers (UKSCL). 21 April 2021: Organised and hosted a webinar on Investment and Financing in the UK for Freight and Logistics Companies, delivering a speech on “Looking at Fight and Balance in Finance Transactions from English Law Perspective: Issues for Freight and Logistics Companies to Note”. 14 Oct 2020: Organised and hosted a webinar on Understanding International Financial Law, Fight and Balance in Finance Transactions and Dispute Resolutions Choices for Financial Institutions participated by Prof. Philip R Wood, delivering a speech on “Fight and Balance in Finance Transactions”. Organised and hosted on a regular basis trainings or seminars for the London branches of all major Chinese financial institutions including without limitation Bank of China, China Merchants Bank, ICBC, Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of Communications, SPDB Bank and some of their headquarters or branches in China.
- Great Britain
- +447702605278